Student life

Induction week 2022


The University of Hertfordshire in Egypt has officially welcomed its new students (or as we like to call them, “Freshers”) in an exciting, lively and dynamic two-day Induction. The new students had the opportunity to meet the university’s deans and academic staff, receive useful sessions about the university’s tools and systems, learn about student life and UH’s student organizations, as well as enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities.  

Attaining educational goals is our top priority but joining student life on campus leaves you with an enriching and impactful experience.

The department of Student Life leaves students with an enriching and unforgettable experience on campus, as it encourages students to participate socially and intellectually. It also promotes an environment that expands students’ growth, diversity, and freedom of expression.

OSL Mission

The Office of Student Life & Wellbeing is committed to educate, empower, develop, and support UH-GAF students’ personal growth to become well rounded citizens who are engaged globally and prepared for successful and inspiring lives after graduation. 

Student Clubs and Organizations

Student activities (also known as campus activities) are student-focused extracurricular clubs and programmes offered at a university. Often, such activities provide the students with opportunities to develop leadership, social responsibility, citizenship, volunteerism, and employment experience. 

Learn more about student clubs

Student Government

Student government is a group of students that are charged with managing a wide range of events, activities, programs programmes, policies and initiatives around university. Some members are elected by the student body, and others may be appointed by the elected officials to help with specific tasks or areas of interest. Student government represents the best interests of a university’s student body and helps shape the student experience on campus.

Learn more about student government

Student Ambassadors Programme 

The Student Ambassadors Programme gives you an opportunity to build your communication, leadership and professional networking skills. Student Ambassadors Programme aims at recruiting passionate students to assist with University's activities; while at the same time developing students' interpersonal, presentation and leadership skills.As a university and student body representative, you'll meet with a variety of people and create positive opportunities for yourself and for our university. Share your enthusiasm and experience with future UH-GAF students, parents and teachers.

Athletic Activities

Stemming from our stated belief that champions rise from empowering and motivating environments, the Sports Unit at UH-GAF is always bent on keeping our students healthy and fit. With a wide range of weekly and engaging athletic activities, the Sports Unit has become one of the most popular spots for students on campus. Whether you choose to join one of our sports teams, establish one, train individually or learn more about fitness and healthy lifestyle, the Sports Unit has it covered, and will be happy to support you.

From strength training, power lifting, kickboxing, and aerobic classes, to nutrition plans, workshops and bootcamps, our state-of-the-art fitness suite and sports facilities caters for the diverse interests of the UH-GAF community. Students can train and enjoy their favorite sports at our Tennis, Volleyball. Basketball, football, and paddle tennis courts, or simply engage in group activities at the GAF Activities Zone.

Academic Skills Centre

The Academic Skills Centre is a student-centered learning centre center that is open to all UH-GAF students, regardless of their major or academic level. The ASC aims at empowering its participants with the essential skills that they need to promote their academic and professional success and enhance their life-long learning and personal experience. 

Academic Skills Centre

To achieve this aim, ASC offers a variety of services that include, but not limited to: 
  • English
  • Content-specific (subjects related to majors)
  • Writing- and research-assistant
  • Test preparation
  • Soft and study skills
These services are provided in the form of: 
  • Stand-alone courses
  • Seminars
  • Programmes (i.e., multiple related courses)
  • Online and face-to-face workshops
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