The University of Hertfordshire in Egypt, hosted by Global Academic Foundation, is the first full-fledged branch campus of a UK university in Egypt.
The University of Hertfordshire in Egypt’s School of Life and Medical Sciences is proud to announce its most recent partnership with two of the most prestigious and reputable companies in the pharmaceutical field of the region: Marcyrl Pharmaceutical Industries and Interpharm for Import, Export and Medical Industries. At the University of Hertfordshire in Egypt, we exert our largest and most genuine efforts to ensure that our students are going to graduate with hands-on experience and a vast knowledge of their fields of study. That is why we are always keen to provide them with the opportunity to experience working environments in different areas of the industry. We also aim to maximize the students’ exposure to the best and most competitive companies and workplaces that current pharmacists work at in the country. That way, our students will hopefully graduate knowing what they excel at and feeling guided towards the pathway they aim to find their future career in. The partnership between the School of Life and Medical Sciences and the companies certainly foretells a promising and fruitful collaboration between the entities, and we definitely can’t wait for future projects.