Rising Herts

The University of Hertfordshire hosted by Global Academic Foundation proudly establishes the first Entrepreneurial hub, in collaboration with Gemini Africa, a leading entrepreneurial hub in Egypt and Africa.

With a unified vision on the importance of the role of youth to induce change in communities and uplift economies through their creativity, innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset when provided with the right support, University of Hertfordshire along with Gemini Africa are joining their forces to launch “Rising Herts”; the first entrepreneurial discovery programme aiming to prepare a new generation of uprising entrepreneurs to face the fast changing and dynamic business world. The aim of this programme is to strengthen the Egyptian entrepreneurial ecosystem through a capacity building programme that empowers students with the relevant business skills; theoretically and practically; and spreads awareness regarding the importance of sustainable development. 

Programme Stages

The First stage

is the launch event and entrepreneurship bootcamp, covering the basics of entrepreneurship through multiple specialised sessions delivered by industry experts.  

Programme Stages

The Second stage

is the mentorship programme, where students will be divided into groups, each group will be covering topics related to formulating a business plan and a business model, creating an effective value proposition and funding options for your start-up.

Programme Stages

The Third stage

and last stage of the Rising Herts programme is demo day. Startups should have an assigned time to pitch their ideas and business plans to a panel of judges. Judges will evaluate and rate their pitches and offer constructive feedback while deciding who will receive the reward from the top 3 business ideas that are offered by Gemini Africa. A financial reward is provided as well as an opportunity for internship in relevant corporate companies.

Rising Herts Sessions

Entrepreneurial Mindset session

Snippets from our first bootcamp kickstart session with Gemini Africa at Rising Herts. We were glad to host Adly Thoma, Gemini Africa Chairman and CEO, and Hani Naguib, Entrepreneurial Expert on our campus.

From Ideas to Reality Session

Our students had the chance to hear from Amr Kawashti and Ezz Tarek, the founders of In Your Shoes, about their success story starting their own business, explore Layla Ghaleb’s, co-founder of Goodspace Studios, Goodspace Talents, and Goodspace Events, world in choreography, and participate in an in-depth talk by Tarek Fahmy, Business and Entrepreneurship consultant.  

Join the League Session

Highlights from the third Rising Herts bootcamp session organised by Gemini Africa with Ramy Magdy, Head of Consumer Expereience at Yodawy, Sherif Zaatar, Breadfast General Manager, Mohamed Elbassiouni, Co-founder & Managing Director at Tayarah, and Mohamed Abdelmottaleb, Founder & CEO of XPay. 

Press Release

February 1, 2023

University of Hertfordshire and Gemini Africa sign a partnership agreement

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About Gemini Africa

Gemini Africa is a one-stop entrepreneurial hub playing an impactful role in the development of the Egyptian ecosystem to foster youth and entrepreneurs with special focus on women, and bolster start-ups by availing diversified investment & financial options, untapped business opportunities and innovative flagship programs.As part of the company’s quest to offer unprecedented opportunities, Gemini Africa also pioneered by launching CinemaTech, the first entrepreneurial track, aiming to uplift the filmmaking industry by the injection of technological solutions through entrepreneurship. Backed by receiving the intellectual property rights for the track and following the gaps in the ecosystem, the company works relentlessly to expand its offered services and activities to be extended to different sectors within the creative industries.

With special focus on two thematic areas: Social entrepreneurship & Creative industries and the proven success record of previously implemented programs in Greater Cairo and Upper Egypt, Gemini Africa grew its knowledge base, developed a vast network of experts as well as local partners and built a strong database of key players; Giving the company an edge in being able to identify the ecosystem gaps, the exact needs of youth and their pain points to offer the right customized innovative programs.

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