Professor Dr Eric Dimla

Dean of Engineering and Computer Science

Professor Dr Eric Dimla received the MEng (Hons) degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1994 from University College London and PhD immediately after that on ‘Tool condition monitoring using neural networks in metal turning operations’ awarded in June 1998.

Professor Dimla is former Head of School of Science and Technology, RMIT University Vietnam until April 2020.  Prior to joining RMIT Vietnam in April 2018, he was Dean and Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Brunei from March 2015 to February 2018.  Preceding joining UTB, he was Academic Leader (Engineering) at Southampton Solent University UK and a Senior Lecturer at Portsmouth University, UK.  His research interest is within the area of metal cutting tool-wear and condition monitoring/fault diagnosis, intelligent sensor fusion and signal processing for industrial applications. He has published well over 60 papers in International Journals and Conferences mainly in high speed machining of metals and the application of AI techniques in metal cutting tool wear monitoring.  Prof Dimla has recently joined the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Digital Manufacturing Technology.  He is also a reviewer for numerous international scientific journals and Programme Chair/Organising Committee of many international conferences with recent examples including PRESM2021, RIVF2020, PRESM2020 and PRESM2019; frequently invited plenary speaker at the ICMST conference series as well as many keynote speakerships (ICAME2021, ICONTES2016, AMPT2016, and ICAME2015).

Professor Dimla is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng,) Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE) and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), as well as Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) of the UK.
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